
Monday, September 19, 2011

Simple Pleasures : Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have been neglectful of my blog as of late. My family has always been (and will always be) my first priority. We very recently welcomed a new baby girl into our family and thus my blogging time has been reduced to zero. Hopefully as life settles down I will be able to go back to cooking more new things and posting a bit more. As far as simple pleasures go, there is absolutely nothing better than holding your newborn baby as she sleeps on your chest. Feeling her warmth and listening to her breathe is the most beautiful and wonderful simple pleasure of all.

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  1. And a beautiful baby she is! I agree with your simple pleasure and, you know what, they might get older, but that sensation when holding a child never leaves a mom. Welcome back to blogland...I look forward to reading! -- xo, Joann

  2. Congrats! It's good to hear (read?) from you when you have the time! I hope that I will be able to continue to post a little after our baby comes!
