
Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas! I hope that you all had a wonderful day filled with love and laughter. We had a lovely day here at the Scratch.Love House, and we have so much to be thankful for.  It was an especially beautiful Christmas because it was also a White Christmas! So beautiful to have snow! The only thing that could have made this Christmas better would have been if the entire extended family could have been together.

I usually cook an Italian meal for Christmas and there was no exception this year. We had homemade  marinara sauce, lasagna, "homemades" (which is what my family calls homemade pasta), meatballs, garlic rolls and asparagus with a Meyer lemon vinaigrette. Look for the recipes soon! January will be my Italian recipe month, I have lots to show you! I will also be taking a little breather and enjoying the family so there may not be quite as many new posts in January as there have been the past two months. Let me know if there is anything you would like to see on the blog or any questions you would like answered.

After the jump I have a few pictures from this December when we went to the tree farm and cut down our own Christmas tree and then the tree decorated. Enjoy!

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White Christmas 2010

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