
Saturday, December 18, 2010

No Sugar Added Crock Pot Apple Butter

If you have kids (or even if you don't!) apple butter or applesauce may be a favorite in your home. I know it is easy to just pick up a jar at the grocery store, but when you see how simple this is to make I hope that you will be converted to making it from scratch. Start right before you go to bed, wake up with fresh apple butter! Great to use in all kinds of recipes or as a sweet little snack.

Continue reading after the jump...

Sugar Added Crock Pot Apple Butter:
  • 6 Apples (I used Golden Delicious, but any that are on the sweeter side will do)
  • 6 Dried Dates (Pitted)
  • 1 1/2 Cups of Water
  • 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt


Take out your apples.

 Chop into cubes. I left the skin on since they are organic, you could peel them if you wished.

Measure out spices and take out dates. Set aside.

Inside of your blender add the water, dates and spices. Blend on high until dates are completely liquefied. 

Take out the crock pot and set to the lowest setting (mine is keep warm). Add apples and the contents or your blender. Stir. Place lid on and leave overnight (8 hours).

Good Morning! Lets see how our apples are doing.

Take the apples out of the crock pot and put in the blender. Be careful, its hot! Mix on low until you reach your preferred consistency.

At this point you have two choices. You can be finished right now and enjoy your apple butter... or (if you are like me and love a super thick apple butter) you can put it back into the crock pot on high for another hour or two. Check and stir often. When your desired consistency is reached you are done!

Keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I would guess it would be good for a couple of weeks, but since I use it often in cooking ours never lasts that long! Enjoy.

I submitted this recipe to Tuesday Twister, check it out for other great recipes from real food bloggers.

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  1. Wow, I made a slow cooker apple butter a couple of months ago so it was nice to see your version a compeltely different recipe. I have to admit I like yours a little more because of its no sugar content. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Mangocheeks. Thanks for leaving a comment! I like your blog. I saw your recipe and was interested to see that there is added malt vinegar. I have not heard of that. Very cool.

  3. The last time I made apple butter (about 5 yrs ago), I had not kicked sugar out yet. I have a drawer full of apples, and wanted to use them for apple butter. I'm glad to find your recipe without sugar. I do substitute honey granules that I buy from Breadbecker's in my baked goods, but I can't wait to try yours with dates.

  4. The dates are so nice and sweet that I find I do not miss the sugar at all. Let me know if you end up trying it how you like it!
