
Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I can not think of many things worse than waking up at 2am on Thanksgiving morning with fever, chills and body ache- when you are expecting 13 people for the Thanksgiving meal. Unable to sleep, I was thinking the worst. That I would have to spend the day in bed and hand the reigns over to my mother. Thankfully, I was able to go back to sleep and woke feeling not so much better, but determined to make it work. Good planning made the day a little easier, although my mood probably left a little to be desired (sorry, family)!

I was very pleased to be able to use my Grandmothers china for the first time this Thanksgiving. It was a very nice touch.

Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving spread. I missed taking a picture of our 20lb turkey, but it was a thing of beauty!

Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you all had a wonderful day!

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